The Transglobal Car Expedition
The Transglobal Car Expedition has completed its 2,200-km overland trip from Yellowknife to Resolute Bay.
Four Yemelya amphibious vehicles and three 2021 Ford F-150 trucks were used to transport the sixteen participants. Experts and scientists from Britain, Iceland, and Germany provided support, as well as Brandon Langan, a guide from Cambridge Bay to assist with ice and polar bears.
This expedition was supported by the Swiss organization GoodGear.
A mountaineer and explorer, Vasily Elagin, said, "This is an important achievement on a very challenging route."
Andrew Comrie-Picard, a Canadian professional driver who was part of the expedition, says residents in northern communities have been welcoming.
The route has been met by tremendous interest and support from residents of Yellowknife, Cambridge Bay, and Resolute, the minister said. People in the North are extraordinarily passionate and imaginative, and they seem to intuitively understand what motivates our expedition."
Although the expedition itself was successful, one vehicle was lost during the return to Cambridge Bay due to rapidly shifting ice. The adventurers contributed this to future safety plans for climate-related travel.
This is only the first step in a planned complete circumnavigation of both poles to be undertaken in 2023-24. In order to cross both poles, major vehicles will be used, and no flights will be involved. Several ships will be used to cross the North Atlantic from Greenland to Denmark, Turkey to Egypt, South Africa to Antarctica, Antarctica to Argentina, Colombia to Panama, and Colombia to Columbia.
Published: April 4, 2022