so once you get your steering pack off get it on the bench there is a shim inside of here it should be about six millimeters thick you do not touch that one that one stays in there and once you get on over here to your clutch pack you go ahead and you should be able to just pull this off with your hands and wiggle back and forth like that put that down and these are your shims that you'll be changing out for your proper throw of adjustment so here i got two shims i'm gonna stick these back in here uh and a reminder when you're putting these back together the thickest shim out of all of them has to go back on first like so if you put a thin one on here it'll get crushed inside of here and then you'll be a lot of adjustment again so like that and then on some units you'll have a smaller washer it's a little bit it's not as thick as the other ones it's for the back of your arm so we'll see how it sits nice in there if you put a thicker one in there it'll actually grab the outer the outer portion here and you don't want that so we'll put the thinnest one on after put it back on